What Is The Problem and Who Does It Impact?

The confusion of what date rape really is has been becoming a problem. All to often this crime goes untold because a victim believes that if they are under the influence then a crime has not been committed.

Most of the time date rape occurs with

someone you know socially makes you

have sex when you don’t want to.

What is the problem?

Rape is one of the most under reported crimes. Date rape is even             
more hidden because many females who have been raped do not
 recognize their experience as a crime.A person does not recognize
that this is a crime because it happens to them by people who they
love and trust. This becomes a problem because it goes unreported 
 and can lead to many future emotional and physical complications.


Who does it impact?

  • Date rape can happen to women of all ages.

  • Young women between 15 and 24 are at highest risk.

  • While it’s mostly women who are raped, guys can be victims of date rape too. And, as with female victims, guys are usually assaulted by other men.

  • Rape is committed by guys of all ages but the largest group of offenders is between the ages of 17 and 30.

  •         An attacker may be: your boyfriend, an ex-boyfriend, a friend, a workmate, someone you’ve just met.