Where do I Enter?

Where Do I Enter?

“But even when I stop crying, even when we fall asleep and I'm nestled in his arms, this will leave another scar. No one will see it. No one will know. But it will be there. And eventually all of the scars will have scars, and that's all I'll be--one big scar of a love gone wrong.”
― Amanda Grace, But I Love Him

In just about every situation that includes assault it also includes fear. Fear behind the pain keeps victims form being able to communicate with others about their problem.  We need to erase fear in order to have any chance of getting someone out of a horrible situation.


The biggest issue is not knowing who is going through sexual assault. We need to inform people about what signs to look for in a person who has been through date rape. Signs and symptoms of someone who has been sexually assaulted or raped tend to include:
·         depression,
·         guilt,
·         anger, and
·         anxiety

Behaviorally, the victim of sexual violence might become:
·         aggressive,
·         abuse substances, or
·         break rules,

The victim might also have
·         sleeping or eating problems,
·         withdraw from relationships,
·         sexual problems.

Getting the word out is the most important way to aim for a change.
Nothing is too small, everything will help.

People can get the word out by having fundraisers. Having fundraisers will help people get informed about the real statistics of date rape. With the money that will be raised it will hopefully go towards the plans I would have if I were a millionaire. Building shelters and providing a trustworthy place for victims should be the goal to have in mind. Also, if victims see just how many people they have that will stand beside them and help them through their problems they will most likely be able to trust someone enough to open up 
and get help with that situation.

The biggest thing that someone can do is to watch out when they go out with friends. Know what to do if you think they maybe coming across a bad situation. Also, watch out for each other.